Face to face tuition versus online…

And why it is also a dis-service to your child if you are missing out on this great advantageThe goal of any tuition should be to:Help students achieve

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The fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt has a coach What on earth does he need a coach for? Afterall, he is at the pinnacle of his

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No child is dumb

No child is dumb No child is NOT academically inclined No skill is unteachable No doubt some children are naturally more inclined to some skills and do well

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It is never too early to start preparing your child for an exam. This is a controversial topic I find myself having sometimes with parents. I always get

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I have heard many parents told it is too early to start preparing their child for the 11+ Exam. It is never too early to prepare your child

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Do you want to know why students struggle with maths consistently Most students I speak with tell me it’s because they think they are terrible with maths and

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Increasing your child’s productivity.I truly admire any present parent, especially mums as there is this little or big being(s) you care for and you have to be there

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Productivity: how can we increase it?

Increasing your child’s productivity.Many at times it feels like there are not enough hours in a day to meet all the demands we have as parents and guardians.The

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Supporting your child with their homework

NO ONE HAS TIME!I get a lot of ‘I am very busy’, yes I know…you are not alone …nobody has time in today’s go-go-go age.Our waking hours are

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Did you know your child might be struggling with Maths because their times table is not where it should be? Are you aware your child will write a

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