Date Implemented- 4th February 2023.
Last Reviewed – 6th April 2023
Tecnis Academy is fully committed to responding to concerns and complaints as quickly and sensitively as possible, this procedure aims to provide parents with guidance on how to raise concerns and/or complaints.
Parents are informed that, should they feel at any time that they have reason for concern regarding the quality of service provision or any aspect of our service at Tecnis Academy, in the first instance they should speak to our front desk team (admissions@tecnisacademy) who are trained and fully capable of addressing any concerns. Should your concerns not be resolved to your satisfaction or should you wish to raise a formal complaint, please follow the below procedure
In the first instance, when we receive a complaint, the procedure is to ask the complainant to put the complaint in writing. We then approach the staff involved and ask them for their version of events.
If the complaints relate to a tutoring session, we will make every reasonable effort to fairly and quickly resolve any complaint made. This may include offering an alternative session day, time which may also mean a change in the teacher taking the class. We may also encourage you to book a complimentary 1-1 session as and when required.
The Aim and Objectives of this procedure
- To ensure that we continue to deliver quality services that meet the needs of our students and that parents and students feel able to raise their concerns or complaints and are confident that Tecnis Academy will take all reasonable steps to resolve issues professionally and fairly.
- It is our aim to ensure that a consistent and fair approach is applied in all instances where a complaint or concern has been raised.
- Parents and students will not suffer any detriment as a result of raising a formal complaint.
- We aim to resolve all complaints as quickly as possible and will be investigated thoroughly.
Step 1 Firstly, it is important that you bring any concerns to the attention of the front desk team immediately, this can be done via email to – or by calling – 01795 358030. The front desk staff will try to resolve the concerns by either raising with the relevant person the concern relates to or offer reasonable alternatives where necessary.
Step 2 If you are unhappy with how your concerns has been dealt with or you wish to escalate your concerns to a formal complaint, you may do so in writing either by email, letter or completing our complaints form which can be found on and send by email or in writing: to email: or In writing to: Complaint Manager – Tecnis Academy, Grid House. Crown Quay Lane. Sittingbourne. ME10 3HZ.
Complaint form: Can be emailed or found on our website below.
When making a complaint, it is important that you provide as much information as possible (including personal details) and include steps that have been taken to resolve the complaint, any discussions that have already occurred regarding the matter, attach copies of any earlier correspondence and state clearly what outcome, if any is being sought.
Step 3– On receipt of a formal complaint, we will write to you via email or your preferred method of contact within 24hours (1 working day) to acknowledge receipt of your complaint.
Your complaint will then be assigned to the appropriate Manager who will investigate your concerns and will contact you as soon as this is complete. We aim to provide you with an outcome of your complaint within 5 working days however, in more complex cases this may sometimes take longer, please allow up to 14 working days. We will contact you via your preferred method (by email, phone or in writing) with the results of the investigation into the complaint.
Step 4- Once provided with the outcome of our investigation, you will have an opportunity to discuss whether you are satisfied with the outcome and will have the opportunity to ask any question regarding the investigation. If you are satisfied with the outcome, the complaint will be closed.
Step 5- Should you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, we may escalate your complaints to the Senior Leadership Team to be further reviewed.
Tecnis Academy will keep a record of all complaints that we are informed about, including: – The nature of complaint – The point at which the complaint was resolved – Action taken to resolve the complaint. Correspondence, statements, and records relating to individual complaints will be kept confidential.
Anonymous Complaints
There may be a need to make an anonymous complaint. Students/parents can make a complaint by either telephone, e-mail or in writing. We may not be able to provide feedback on anonymous complaints, but they will be taken seriously and investigated.
Full Name | Name of Student | ||
Address | Class/Session complaint relates to | ||
Email Address | Preferred Method of contact | ||
Telephone Number | Date of complaint |
Please provide us with details of your complaint and your expected outcome |
If you have already expressed your concerns informally please tell us who you spoke to and what has happened since you took this action. |